söndag 11 september 2016

Lou Zhongjian, an associate professor of Chemistry of the Teacher's College in Sichuan Province, invented an excercise-paper that can be used repeatedly. He dips a writing brush in clear water then writes on a piece of grayish paper with it. What he writes on the paper immediately appears in black as if written with Chinese ink. But it disappears gradually as it dries. Then the paper can be used again. It is made of materials of plentiful supply and the cost is low.

söndag 7 augusti 2016

Skytree - mäktig utsikt

Så åkte jag till slut upp i Sky Tree i Tokyo, världens för tillfället (2016) högsta torn på 634 meter. Jag nöjde mig med att åka upp till 350 meter (man kan fortsätta upp till 450 m) men även här var utsikten fantastisk. Det förstås, ju klarare dag desto bättre utsikt, så klart.